Retail therapy
Cleaning, disinfection and hygiene within retail outlets
Many people are looking forward to spending time visiting shops and retail sites rather than online from their sofas. Shop fronts, public areas, fixtures and fittings have always been under constant scrutiny from customers.
Premises now have to not only be visibly clean, but also hygienically clean. Reassessing your cleaning methods, processes and products are the first step to this process. Plus placing special attention on frequently touched areas not only reduces transmission risks but gives an added visual assurance to your customers.
At Vileda Professional, we can support the process by arranging a site visit to discuss a range of topics including:
- General Cleaning Guidelines
- Which cleaning method is hygienically right for you
- The importance of cleaning in the disinfection process
- Quality you can trust
- Benefits of MicroFibres
For more information, please contact your Vileda Professional representative or download the Retail Therapy PDF.
Frequently touched areas
Alongside general cleaning processes special attention should be placed on the most frequently touched areas. To reduce the risk of transmission these surfaces should be cleaned more frequently.Without being able to cover all contact points the most common are:
Shopping malls

Shopping malls
- Handles
- Tables and chairs
- Touch Screens/POS screens
- Coffee and vending machines
- Lift/Elevator buttons
- Staircase and escalator handrails
- Public phones
Convenience stores

Convenience stores
- Glass counters
- Door handles of fridges and freezers
- Fresh fruit, produce bag holders
- Scales
- Payment/card reader
- Touch Screens/POS screens
- Drinks machines